Happy 2015!
Last Sunday, Will, Dan and Prudence documented a walking tour given by Jack Eichenbaum in Willets Point, Queens. The weather was cold, but the sun was out and it was interesting to hear the story of Queens’ agragian past as we strolled through the manicured Flushing Meadows Park and potholed and flooded concrete of Willets Point Avenue. The tour was part of the opening day of the Queens Museum’s Reviewing Renewal, a series of events, organized by 596 Acres, that examines the impact of past and current Urban Renewal plans on New York City.
A more robust description of the tour can be found in “A Look At Willets Point Before Demolition & Redevelopment,” a report by Curbed reporter Evan Bindelglass. Mr. Bindelglass also took copious photographic documentation, including images of our crew in action!
For example, the intrepid Dan can be seen crouched dangerously close to an ice-pothole in the left foreground (the towel is draped so he can see the screen of the video camera):
Meanwhile, Will stood tall with the monopod as the rest of the tour group did their best with the “walking” part of the tour:
After the shoot, the crew gathered at the Queens Museum cafe to recoup and download footage. Our Co-Producer, Claire, was very helpful with the transferring process. Here you can see Will, Claire, and Dan troubleshooting while the Unisphere looks on:
On the whole, a good time was had by all! And the ride back on the 7 train was a wonderful finale.